Mullica Hill

Mullica Hill

Classes offered on Tuesdays 10:00am for mommy and me , 14m- 36m and 11:00am ages 3-5 years old. Rates are $ 15.00 per class, Spring set runs until first week of June. Games, music, story time, crafts and so much more offered at this location! Enrollment directly with...
Mullica Hill

Mount Laurel

This Class is private for students at the Schoolhouse in Mount Laurel, classes offered Mondays 11:45am for ages 3-5 years old. Games, music, songs, crafts and amazing topics offered on our spring set which runs until late April! Rate is $ 15.00 per class, early bird...
Mullica Hill


Coming soon!  We will be offering a class at 4th and Lombard, details coming up!  Spring Classes start April 3rd!  Set of 10 classes, rate $ 18.00 per class, $ 180.00 for the set!  Enrollment fee is waived for this first time offering! ...

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