May 22nd, 2012
This week we will be sharing house vocabulary and I am very excited to be sharing our activities with you!
We will be looking at a house as we enter the amazing world of different types of houses for older children and a house as we know for younger one! We will chat about their favorite part of the house! Using basically this vocabulary list and me gusta:
- basement: el sótano
- bathroom: el baño, el cuarto de baño, el retrete
- bedroom: el dormitorio
- closet, wardrobe: el armario, el ropero
- courtyard: el patio
- den, study: el estudio
- dining room: el comedor
- entryway: la entrada
- family room: la estancia, el cuarto de estar
- garage: el garage, la cochera
- kitchen: la cocina
- living room: la sala de estar, el salón
- room: el cuarto
We will then, build a house with Legos and they will show me where the ventana is, la puerta, etc.
We will use shapes to make another house together, using their spacial skills to fit the shapes into the frame given to them. I use the Discovery Toy shapes and a House Page.
We read the book
I don’t show all the pages and just address vocabulary seen in class, the book is a little long for younger ones and a 30/45min class.
We also watch el Oso en la casa azul:
They listen to the song as we talk about La Cocina.
We also play tag and they will have to tag the parts of the house. They love that!
I hope you enjoyed our class and that you share it with your students or little ones!
Claudia Krusch
EasyLEarn Languages CEO
Tags: Amazing World, Amazon, Armario, Astore, Comedor, Courtyard, Cuarto De BañO, Dining Room, Dormitorio, El Oso, Entryway, La Estancia, Legos, Little Ones, Living Room, Ropero, Shapes, Vocabulary List, Wardrobe, Younger Ones
Posted in children and foreign language | No Comments »
May 11th, 2012
Feliz dia das Maes! Feliz Dia de las madres!
This post is dedicated to all the moms who read and support our efforts to bring foreign languages into their homes and enable us to do that!
Being a multilingual mom has been a challenge for me and has proven to also be very rewarding at the same time. I have been walking my son through learning two languages while building up his native language and some of my efforts have being successful, others not so….Mother’s day should be celebrated all year , but I try to bring a special meaning at this time of the year! I hope you try and enjoy some of my suggestions!!!
My son loves music, so we always hear music in Spanish and Portuguese….I still laugh when I hear him sing, tomo guarana, such de caju, goiabada para sobremesa!!! He blasts this song out on his iPod
We also read some books, I try to read some of the books I am using in my classes and some in Portuguese as well!
We play his favorite game: mela mela tin, where we rub our noses agains it each other and then bang heads ( softly) sometimes he prefers not so softly, LOL, boys! I make ovinho ( eggs for breakfast) on Saturday and he and daddy cook on Sunday for me!
He likes rock and fast paced music, so I like showing him some j-lo and Ricky Martin songs and dancing around the house, have not done that this week! And reading is a must!
I read this one last night, Quiero a mi mama porque:
Tags: Amazon, Astore, Blasts, Caju, Dia Das Maes, Dia De Las Madres, Eggs, Favorite Game, Foreign Languages, Guarana, Ipod Speakers, J Lo, Jorge Ben Jor, Mama, Mom, Moms, Music In Spanish, Native Language, Noses, Portuguese, Ricky, Ricky Martin, Ricky Martin Songs, Terra Com Br
Posted in children and foreign language | No Comments »
May 8th, 2012
I wanted to change the way we celebrated Mother’s day this year, so my team started spinning wheels and we came up with a super fun class! Hope you can use some of these activities in your classroom or at home!
We start with matching game, cards printed with family member’s pic and name in Spanish.Then we use similar cards to place in a family tree and each student places cards which correspond to their families. Other copies of the cards are placed on children’s back and they pass the ball, when music stops, they need to tell who the family member that student has on their back, who they are? Quien soy yo??? The others answer eres….
We colored a mother’s day page which I am placing here as a free gift to all moms and teachers who follow our blog.
We watched a great video and the older ones had to tell us what family members were missing.
We also sang bingo tune for my version:
Te amo mama, mucho, mucho eres mi mama!
Amo a mi mama! Amo a mi mama, amo a mi mama, Yo amo a mi mama!
We also read this book, they love hearing about Emma’s family! There’s a version without the read along and this one has the read along!
Enjoy and Feliz Dia de las madres!
EasyLearn Languages Claudia Krusch
Multilingual Mom, CEO and Language Expert
Tags: Amazon, Amo, Astore, Bingo, Blog, Ceo, Dia De Las Madres, Emma, Family Member, Family Members, Family Tree, Free Gift, Game Cards, Language Expert, Languages, Madras, Mama, Mom, Moms, Mother Day, Mother S Day, Music, Nbsp, New Language, Quien Soy Yo, Spinning Wheels, Yo Mama
Posted in children and foreign language | No Comments »
May 3rd, 2012
Dear Readers,
I worked a lot to plan the activities for our cinco de mayo classes this week, because I was tired of the same old…..muy cansada! I also grabbed some special ideas to do at home, since the date is on Saturday this year!
I am using the book Fiesta, which I have used before, but with a new spin, I take them through the Mexican Village to celebrate it the old way, the way small Villages still celebrate it! Come and join us!
So we travel through small town markets, looking at toys, games, we make anillos and exchange them for the ocho anillos game! We tried 8 instruments which are shown in the book and I purchased to bring to our classes, the children loved it, the challenge was to find Spanish names for some of them, like the rain shaker! We danced around the hat using La Bamba! Last but not least we look at the piñata and I placed candy, which falls at the end of the class, but we also look at the way they are homemade and serpentinas, we review colors, numbers which are added to the social aspect of the party!
I also show this video which reviews vocabulary as they ispy the video, looking for things we talked about before, I divided them in groups, they became so competitive! You will not believe it! Increible!
I also used a coloring page made with coloring page from the web, mounted with maracas, Mexico and a sun! Viva Cinco de Mayo as a title!
I hope you enjoyed my ideas and share here if you used some of them!
Claudia Krusch
EasyLearn Languages Bilingual Mom , Foreign language Expert and CEO
Tags: Amazon, Candy, Ceo, Cinco De Mayo, cinco de mayo songs, cinco de mayo vídeos, Claudia, Coloring Page, Colors, Dear Readers, Fiesta, Foreign Language, Language Expert, Maracas, Mom, Social Aspect, Spanish Activities, Spanish Names, spanish songs, Town Markets, Toys Games, Viva Cinco De Mayo, Vocabulary, Www Youtube
Posted in Cinco de Mayo, Spanish Classes, Spring in Spanish | No Comments »
April 17th, 2012
Dear Readers,
Researching good activities for earth day, April 22nd, I did not find out anything I really liked so I worked on some different ideas and totally outside la caja!
I think the vocabulary list should be:
Tierra – Earth, Sol- sun, Nubes- Clouds, Lluvia-Rain, Planta- Plant, Arbol- Tree, Flor-Flower and Aire- Air.
I showed some of my classes those things in their school playgrounds and they had a first hand experience of how to embrace, take care and appreciate madre tierra.
We played Pasa La Tierra game with blue and green small Plastic Balls, where they would pass the oceano y la tierra (which came from coloring page below, which they colored ocean blue and land green). They also alternated between pasa el ocean ( blue Ball) y vivo en la tierra ( green ball).
Earth Day Coloring Page
I also talked about recycling with older ones!
I showed this video:
Also have a nature board where children added some items, placed some animals on their habitat, they had a lot of fun!
Share if you like our activities and if you use at home or in your classroom! Your opinion is very important to us!
Claudia Krusch
EasyLearn Languages
Tags: Amp, Coloring Page, Dear Readers, Earth Day, Earth Sun, Feature Results, Flor, Flower, Game, Green Earth, Hand Experience, La Tierra, Languages, Nubes, Ocean Blue, Oceano, Plastic Balls, Rain, School Playgrounds, Sol, Vocabulary List
Posted in children and foreign language, Earth Day in Spanish, Spanish Classes | No Comments »
April 10th, 2012
Looking for new activities to do using the Spring theme, it came to me to use a mural as a backdrop after we teach the new vocabulary or verbs associated to vocabulary learned in previous years by children who have been with us for a longer period of time!
We gave them the vocabulary by talking about season changes and:
Memory Cards with words – Primavera- Spring, Nube – Cloud, Lluvia- rain, Cesped- grass, Flor- flower, Arbol- tree, Mariposa- butterfly.
We also used the book Pedro Conejito to talk about spring words
We gave them stickers and asked them to draw on our wall and table mural, depending on age, they loved it! Some of the pictures are shown here!
Try and let us know how it was, we would love to share your picture!
Today we started from ages 14m-9 year old students and I wanted to share some of the amazing results! Check it out!
Claudia Krusch
EasyLearn Languages
Tags: Arbol, Backdrop, Butterfly, Flor, Flower, Grass, Languages, Memory Cards, Nbsp, Nbsp Nbsp Nbsp Nbsp Nbsp, Period Of Time, Previous Years, Primavera, Rain, Season Changes, Spring Activities, Spring Theme, Stickers, Time Today, Verbs, Vocabulary
Posted in children and foreign language, Spanish Classes, Spanish in the Spring | No Comments »
March 27th, 2012
Dear Readers,
Think about Easter in South America is to think about food! Thinking back on so many Easter meals at my parent’s home! The most fun part was not the egg! In Brazil, they are ginormous! LOL Check it out!
Link to purchase one:áscoa-ao-leite-Garoto-Sortidos—750g-#23
It was all about sitting and eating ALL day! O dia todo! My family makes seafood dishes and yummy appetizers and desserts! My favorites listed under my pinterest account:
Moqueca de Camarao ( shrimp stew), Farofa de manteiga (Cassava Flour with butter and onions and eggs), Vatapa ( bread pudding made from bread, cashews, dried shrimp and other ingredients), white rice and more! Sooo good! Tao bom!
Some good words for Easter in Portuguese: Pascoa (Easter), Feliz Pascoa (Happy Easter), Ovo ( Egg), Chocolate ( chocolate), Cesta ( basket)
The best memories are all the aromas coming from my mom’s kitchen, my dad’s jokes and all the talk around the table! After all, Easter means giving and looking back, that is what ours was all about!
I hope you enjoyed my post!
Claudia Krusch
EasyLearn Languages
Tags: Ao, Appetizers, Aromas, Brazil, Bread Pudding, Camarao, Cashews, Dear Readers, Desserts, Easter Meals, Egg, Eggs, Feliz Pascoa, Flour, Happy Easter, Onions, Ovo, Seafood Dishes, Shrimp, South America, Tao Bom, White Rice
Posted in Brazilian Recipes, children and foreign language, Easter Spanish | No Comments »
March 26th, 2012
Dear Readers,
Saludos! Easter is coming up and I wanted to share suggestions on activities we are using in the classrooms in the upcoming weeks!
Numbers – Bingo and Domino using Easter pics and dots on the other side for dominoes! We made our own dominoes on card stock paper, very easy!
Colors – Color Easter Eggs and have the child tell the colors or coloring page with them and have them name the color and learn Huevos (Eggs), other useful words are Conejo (bunny), Candy (Dulce), Canasta (basket), Easter Pascua, Feliz Pascua ( Happy Easter), Zanahoria (carrot).
I also purchased an over sized blow up carrot and the children will throw circles to fit them on the carrot! Also used for colors.
I also use some songs like los pollitos dicen and conejito an original song I created. You can find los pollitos on youtube:
I also use the book with the same name and Pedro conejito ( translation of Peter rabbit)
We are offering a free sample of one of Easter worksheets, flashcards, bingo sheets and so much more which are available for purchase at our new E-Store! Check them out at :
Claudia Krusch
Easylearn Languages
Tags: Bingo, Blow Up, Canasta, Card Stock Paper, Carrot, Circles, Color Easter Eggs, Coloring Page, Conejito, Dear Readers, Domino, Dominoes, Dominos, Dots, E Store, Easter Activities, Easter Worksheets, Feliz Pascua, Free Sample, Happy Easter, Los Pollitos Dicen, Original Song, Other Useful Words, Pascua Feliz, Peter Rabbit
Posted in children and foreign language, Easter Spanish | No Comments »
March 13th, 2012
Dear Readers,
I purchased the Eric Carle’s Book! Decided to use it as inspiration for teaching fruits and introducing my Spring Class topics! Well, I started reading the book! stopped before the fruits! I told the children the oruga was hungry! She needed to shout that out, we sang: Yo ten go hambre, Yo tengo hambre! Quiero comida, quiero frutas, with hand motions and the same thing with sed ( thirsty) and quiero agua and jugo! They loved it! We learned, when we ask for food, we say por favor and gracias!
We moved to an oruga game, they needed to crawl like an oruga and eat the fruits on the other side of the room, telling me the name of each fruit they were eating.
We added a coloring page with three apples (manzanas), they would color the apples the oruga would eat and draw the oruga and tell me how many and incorporate color to the apples! They passed with flying colors! Older ones also wrote on the page and filled out with number of apples.
We ended with this video:
The children loved it and I had a blast teaching! For materials for your homeschooling session or school, please contact me privately!
Claudia Krusch
EasyLearn Languages
Tags: Agua, Apples, Coloring Page, Dear Readers, Eric Carle, Flying Colors, Fruits, Frutas, Game, Hand Motions, Hungry Caterpillar, Inspiration, Languages, Oruga, Spanish, Spring Class, Tengo Hambre
Posted in Foreign Language games, Spanish Classes, Spanish in the Spring | No Comments »
March 6th, 2012
Dear Readers,
We are spending the whole celebrating Dr Seuss birthday! Even though he is not a South American traditional author, his influence in the American Schools made me take the time plan a special class to celebrate his birthday! I used two books, Un Pez, Dos Peces….and Huevos Verdes con jamon both for sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I used the first book and planned a fish class, we went fishing with a plastic fish game with water and a bucket, they needed to go fishing and tell me the size, color and name of the sea creature, we used sea horses, alligators and crabs of different colors. We used pictures of large fish, whales and turtle in the ocean on the floor, they learned nadar, we also used speed and parar to guide movements.
We showed a video of bilingual reading of the books from youtube :
And the song I created: Yo soy un pea, yo soy un pea, yo soy un pez y me gusta nadar….repeat 2x and Nado rapido y despacio, nado rapido y despacio (3x), the kids loved going fast and slow.
We ate colored gold fish, they could eat the ones they could name the colors.
Can’t wait to share this and other class plans on our membership portion of our site which is currently being updated! Stay tuned!
A lot of fun!
Claudia Krusch
Tags: Alligators, Amazon, Barnes And Noble, Bilingual Reading, Crabs, Dear Readers, Different Colors, Dr Seuss, Dr Seuss Birthday, Fish Class, Fish Game, Gold Fish, Huevos, Nado, Peces, Plastic Fish, Sea Creature, Sea Horses, Sr80, Time Plan, Traditional Author, Two Books, Whales
Posted in children and foreign language, Spanish Classes | No Comments »