Posts Tagged ‘Amigos’

Thanksgiving activities in Spanish

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Dear Amigos,

I am very happy to share some interesting links to show thanksgiving traditions in Spanish and bring vocabulary to celebrate the season of being grateful in a great way!

A parent asked me: Thanksgiving has such hard words for children to learn and memorize! Her statement inspired me to focus on activities which will capture the child’s attention while teaching Thanksgiving words and concepts in Spanish.

Click on this link and have the child repeat some basic words

print those words and make flashcards or memory games, they are great ways to start

Depending on the age group, you can also play with this matching game:

And finish a quiet story time with this song:

You can use a turkey coloring page online and ask the child to color the feathers in patterns, amarillo, rojo, verde….theĀ  pattern can be as complicated as the child’s age. If your child is under 3 years old you can help them by coloring using the pattern, repeating colors in Spanish and asking what comes next? Que viene ahora?? Rojo, no!, Amarillo, no, verde, si!!!

I have designed the EasyLearn materials which are coming out of the oven for you! Please keep checking us out for more info on how to share Thanksgiving vocabulary with your child!


Claudia Krusch

EasyLearn Programs CEO

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