Posts Tagged ‘Brain Connections’

What are you bringing into your child’s life?

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Dear Readers,

This week’s post has the objective of bringing your reflection on what activities you bring into your child’s life and the consequences of each one of them. My questions are not condemning or supporting any activities, they are questions I raised in the past years before signing my son up for classes.
Karate promises foccus and discipline, but how about the aggressive part of repeatedly exposing children as early as three years old to kicks and punches???
Dance will help body coordination and self esteem. How about girls who are overweight and the classes will bring a low self esteem issue which shouldn’t be present in her life until at least pre teen years???
Sports bring competitive spirit and they are a great exercise. How about children who don’t like to run, are not coordinated enough to follow games and play and who could care less about what’s going in the field and feel left out by the other children who excel in sports???
Musical Instruments are a great way to bring concentration and develop brain connections. How about children who are tone death or who can’t play anything after trying one song for three months?
Foreign languages are great to stimulate brain connections, promoting early reading, reasoning among other skills. How about children who have speech impairments or whose parents don’t speak the language and can’t help them develop them at home? It is proven that foreign languages will not harm and sometimes help speech impairments and home input can be substituted by effective use of the foreign language class to build skills.
Science experiments with complex concepts…..really???No comment on that.
I don’t think I have all the answers, but my questions hopefully will help guide your own questions which should be confronted with your child’s unique personality and abilities to promote enrichment time as fun, educational and above all, HAPPY TIME!

Email me for more questions on how to bring foreign languages closer to your little one!

Claudia Krusch
EasyLearnlanguages LLC CEO

After School Activities – choices, choices

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Dear Members,
When thinking about what activities to sign my son up in the fall, I faced many choices….music, sports, drama classes, arts and more…..I decided to look for classes which were fun and educational, so I kept him on our Easylearn programs for foreign languages, math at Mathnasium to keep his math skills, music to develop brain connections and concentration and a sport, which will be football due to his size!!!!!!I had no trouble picking a sport, I must say that!
Parents often talk to me about continuing with foreign language classes and I tell them it is for the children’s benefit to continue while they are young and learning is as easy as playtime!
This fall choose well, ask for demo classes but above all choose something your child enjoy doing!
It’s all about having fun!
Claudia Krusch
Director of Easylearn programs

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