Posts Tagged ‘Feliz Dia De Las Brujas’

Feliz Dia de Las Brujas

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Dear Readers,

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I love getting dressed up! Baking cookies, making special spookie recipes! I usually don’t teach on Halloween, but we have two schools which are open, so I am doing a special Halloween Class with the spider theme! I wanted to share the activities:

Children will sing La Aranita ( Itsy bitsy Spider)

I printed some spiders on hard paper and they need to place them in the web,  counting them

I printed some in regular paper, each student gets a crayon and color it, they need to say the color, say ” araña negra” .

They watched the video:

Showed the book with the same name a short 4 page version and read in Spanish, I could not find a Spanish book, read the English book in Spanish. There is a spider book in Spanish, a very busy spider.

I bought an oversized spider and printed colorful circles and used tape and the children had to glue the spider to the circle on the wall and tell me, the spider is on the: La araña está en el rojo, la araña está en el blanco…..

Kids loved it! Hope you use these activities to bring a foreign language to your class or little one during Halloween or this week! Enjoy!

Happy Halloween!

Claudia Krusch

EasyLearn Languages

The class activities and ideas are protected by copyright, please ask author’s permission to copy activities and ideas in private classes.


Spanish Halloween

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Dear Readers,

Many parents ask me, is there Halloween in Spanish, well the majority of Spanish speaking countries do not  have Halloween as it known in the US. They have Dia de Los Muertos which is a party and celebration to pay respects to the dead and celebrate death!

Spanish and Foreign Language teachers translate materials this time of the year to bring a little bit of Halloween to their classes!

I decided to share some of the words we used this week and let you know we have sets of flashcards and worksheets available for purchase on the website.


Bruja – witch

Calabaza – pumpkin

Calavera- Esqueleton

Murcielago – bat

Fantasma – ghost

Bruxa – witch

abobora – pumpkin

Caveira- Esqueleton

Morcego – bat

Fantasma – ghost

Suggestion on activities: bring real pumpkins, place on the floor and tell the children they will go pumpkin picking and they need to count the pumpkins. They can paint pumpkins and tell the colors. You can use our memory cards to play memory game or throw mini pumpkin erasers on cards on the floor and say the word where they fall. We bought large pumpkins and they had to throw balls on pumpkins and say the color before they hit the pumpkins.

Videos on youtube, like Halloween para peques and others.

Happy Halloween – Feliz Dia de Las Brujas, Feliz Dia das bruxas


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