Posts Tagged ‘La Boca’

No cabin fever when you have Spanish!

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Dear Readers,

While cooking up new ideas to offer our students this winter, our team came up with a snow man themed class, where children will learn/review body parts using frosty!

Activities involved are Frosty coloring page, place body parts on frosty on the wall, throw snow balls(white balls) at frosty and tell the body parts where it was hit, read a winter book and watch frosty the snowman video:

Body Parts in Spanish:

arm — el brazo
back — la espalda
backbone — la columna vertebral
breast, chest — el pecho
calf — la pantorrilla
ear — el oído, la oreja
elbow — el codo
eye — el ojo
finger — el dedo
foot — el pie
hair — el pelo
hand — la mano
head — la cabeza
heart — el corazón
hip — la cadera
intestine — el intestino
knee — la rodilla
leg — la pierna
mouth — la boca
muscle — el músculo
neck — el cuello
nose — la nariz
shoulder — el hombro
skin — la piel
stomach (abdomen) — el vientre
stomach (internal organ) — el estómago
thigh — el muslo
throat — la garganta
toe — el dedo (See Note 1)
tongue — la lengua
tooth — el diente

We also cooked up some other new ideas which I will be sharing week by week. The materials listed on this post are available on our membership portion of this site.  Those activities hopefully motivate you to bring Spanish to your home/class using innovative techniques chasing away cabin fever mood!


Claudia Krusch

Easylearn languages CEO

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