Posts Tagged ‘Star Estrella’

Spanish Activities with Thanksgiving Theme

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

Dear Readers,

This past two weeks, I searched for a different way to bring the Thansgiving theme a different flavor! I decided to use prepositions and shapes for the first two weeks and food as well.

Children learned or revisited food vocabulary while setting up a table with thanksgiving favorites, such as :
Pastel de Calabaza- Pumpkin Pie

Pavo- turkey

Patata- Potato

Pan- Bread

We also learned:

Feliz Dia de Acción de Gracias – Happy Thanksgiving

and shapes which were compared to food and feathers of Pablo the turkey!

Shapes – Las formas
Circle Círculo
Square Cuadrado
Triangle Triangulo
Rectangle Rectángulo
Oval Ovalo
Heart Corazón
Star Estrella
Diamond / rhombus Diamante / rombo
Pentagon Pentágono
Crescent Medialuna

We also showed a fun shapes video:

I hope you enjoy it!


Claudia Krusch

EasyLearn Languages CEO

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