When I was 4, I shared my desire to learn English with my mom, when private foreign language schools didn’t exist in Brazil. That passion for languages built the foundation for my life and future. Today I’m sharing a few Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language.

Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language

Starting Early


teaching children


You absolutely can learn a foreign language at any age, but studies show that the earlier you start, the easier and more effective, the process will be.

If you’re starting it as an adult, don’t worry, the right teacher/method will guide you in the right direction to be speaking a foreign language in no time!

Brain Boost

I was looking into adding some hobbies to my daily routine to boost my brain. When reading about the studies which make a correlation between foreign languages and brain activity, I decided to start my 5th language, Italian.

I must confess, it’s something that comes to mind, that when I get older, my brain might not function well and I might regress to my native language, which has happened to some people with Dementia and Alzheimers.

It’s not like I am predicting problems, I’m just being proactive, by adding a new hobby to give my brain a boost, while having fun.

I must confess, the online learning apps and websites are repetition based and left me with questions and after 3 months of doing Italian daily in Duolingo, I totally stopped.

I decided to look for a good online course to give me the grammar foundation and use the app just for practice.


Exploring New Worlds Like Locals


Hello Italy

When you speak a foreign language, you get to explore the location, culture and enjoy more when traveling like a local does!

I’ve taken on the challenge to learn Italian with the plan to use it when hubby and I finally take a trip there!

I can already imagine me ordering that amazing meal using my rustic Italian accent! LOL


More Career Options to Choose From

Nowadays, large corporations prefer well rounded candidates. They look at resumes and choose the candidate which is unique and has added bonus to others.

A foreign language is a bonus in a country where the majority of the population speaks only one language.

It Improves Your Attention Span


break reminder

In a social media era where attention span is 3-8 seconds, learning a foreign language will create connections in your brain to counter act the damage that social media and screen time has done to our brains.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about some of the many benefits of learning a foreign language.

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Click HERE for more information on how to get started in your journey to learn a foreign language.

Boa Sorte! Good Luck On Your New Journey! Let us know about your progress!